Wednesday, May 25, 2011

BYEEEEEEE!  I am going to Summer Camp music festival for the next four days......and I won't be anywhere near a computer!  I'll post pictures of the event monday. :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jack's all-star baseball game was this morning.  Three players from each team were selected by their teammates.  My Dad/"Coach Mike" was manager of the game today......coaching all three of my brothers throughout the years, he has been a coach of a baseball team consecutively for 18 years now!  It was an exciting game, and we won by one run in extra innings!!!  

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Giannini's house tonight.  The night ended with an argument on which kind of sharp cheese tasted better with the strong homemade wine.......provolone or swiss?  I don't really think this huge block of cheese cared either way! hahaha

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My brother Joe is Mr. handy man now in my house.....he is currently fixing the ceiling in our kitchen where some of the paint had chipped off from a leak.  With half the kitchen blocked off with plastic, the rabbit and the cat are extremely confused....the two just sit and stare.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My brothers girlfriend, Diana, is a hair stylist/assistant manager at a brand new salon that just opened up this week in Chicago called FM Hair Studio!  The owner hired me to take pictures of the studio for their website.  Joe got a hair cut while we were there, and I got a much needed trim....Diana is fabulous!  The studio is beautiful and both Diana and the owner are extremely talented!  You all should schedule an appointment! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

There are two magnolia trees in my front yard that are in full bloom only for a couple of days before the flowers rapidly start flying off the tree.  (and when I mean a few days it really is only a few days!)  My mom really wanted me to take pictures of the trees before the flowers started to disappear.  Unfortunately, I didn't get out there soon enough so I had to get creative; most of the petals from the flowers had already fallen.  I promise I'll get the flowers in full bloom next year mom!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

This is my closest family friend, Jenni Haupers, standing with models wearing the outfits that she had designed and crafted herself!  She is attending Harper College for fashion and design, and last night was the end of the year fashion show for all of the students to display the clothing that they have worked on all semester.  The students had to draw inspirations from the 20's and 30's era.  As you can see she is an extremely talented artist and designer and everyone was highly impressed with her creations!  Each outfit was unique, classic and fashionable.....and I absolutely loved all of them!  I can't wait to see what she does in the future!

Friday, May 13, 2011

I wanted to post this yesterday.....but for one reason or another blogspot was having "technical difficulties" so no one was allowed to post.  I was having a hard time finding a photo to post yesterday and my youngest brother Jack suggested that I go outside and look for a rainbow.  It had rained a little while ago and the sun was starting to peak out....but it was so cloudy I figured there was no way you could see a rainbow.  I argued with him for a bit and then continued to watch the Bulls game on TV.  Then my brother Robert called and needed a ride home from I walked outside my front door to go pick him up and sure enough there was a huge beautiful rainbow all the way across the sky.  I called for Jack to come outside and of course I was stuck hearing his little voice saying, "I told you so!  I told you so!"  This would only happen to Jack.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This is my friend Luis and his girls Maggie and Paige.  Paige is the one flying in the air, and Maggie is still grounded.  It is unbelievable how sweet and kind hearted the two of them are, and watching them rambunctiously race around the dog park was hilarious.  They are both around the same age and still young, but Maggie acts like she has been on this earth forever and Paige is defiantly more of the baby.  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Angie and I decided last minute to go to the Chicago Bulls playoff game!  Bulls won game 5 Vs. Atlanta!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Unpacked my car today.  I was holding off until I felt better....but finally I could wait no longer.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!  I spent the day at my Grandparent's house with the family.  My Grandma and Grandpa are always excited to show us their blooming flowers, trees and gardens around the yard every time we come over.  This particular tree was in full bloom on the side of their house and they really wanted me to take some pictures for them......and this was the result. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Laying low around the house today, healing after surgery.  It rained for half the day so I went on an adventure in my backyard after the rain stopped to catch the aftermath.  

Friday, May 6, 2011

Yesterday I finally moved home for good from the little town of Normal, Illinois that has been my place of residence for the past 5 years.  I will greatly miss college and the city, but I am ready and excited for the next chapter in my life.  It is unfortunate that this morning, the day after I moved back home to my parents house, I had all four wisdom teeth pulled. (these are my real teeth!) Infected and swollen they had to come out......and the surgery did not go as easy as everyone told me it would!  I woke up during surgery and put up a fight with the doctor and nurses....needless to say it was a traumatic experience.